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It’s been said that planning is about managing change and planners are agents of change. 考虑到最近发生的事件,这些情绪再真实不过了. 在短短几天内, 新型冠状病毒肺炎 fundamentally altered the basic tenants of planning and changed, 在一瞬间, 我们的生活方式, 工作和娱乐.





其影响可能是巨大的. 考虑一下你是否愿意, that the policy context for our urban condition has consistently been on a path to greater urban density, reducing land consumption and creating a new urban reality where transit-supportive densities will finally allow us to reduce our dependency on the automobile and instead embrace mass transit and active 运输. More people, more density, more intensive use of buildings and public spaces. 现在, 考虑新型冠状病毒肺炎的现实, 包括保持身体距离, 关闭公共空间, 限制社会交往, 简而言之,限制企业准入, the antithesis of the policy context that has underscored planning and development decision-making for over 20 years.

Will the fundamental premise of this policy direction change?

I don’t think so, but I do think that how we plan the spaces that comprise this policy basis will. 可以说, some anticipate a return to “normal” once the panacea of a vaccine is introduced and that is certainly possible. 然而, COVID, 以及未来发生类似covid - 19事件的可能性, has planners and decision-makers considering a “new normal” where work and life in our urban environments may look very different from what they do today. 给定当前事件, people have managed to live their daily lives with altered social realities, and work in particular continues to be conducted virtually and, 在很多领域, 成功.


这很难说, but what is quite certain is that disruptors that were already active in our urban environment are likely to be heightened post-COVID. 零售业就是一个很好的例子. 在实体店购物的兴趣下降, and exponential growth in online sales was a well-known phenomenon prior to 新型冠状病毒肺炎. Many commercial sites and greyfields were being reimagined as vibrant mixed-use spaces. 最近的事件会加速这一进程吗? 以及办公发展会受到怎样的影响? A sector which was already trending to intensified workspaces —  hotel space and workstations replacing offices and cubicles — is now seeing work-from-home as not just a reality, 但对很多人来说, 的偏好.

只有时间能证明一切. 但有一点是明确的,那就是AG平台, 通过我们的场所营造实践, 在这个思考过程的前沿. Through our multi-disciplinary design process that holistically considers the many aspects of community building, we are actively shaping the places that prepare our communities for what’s to come. 

斯科特·阿巴克尔有25年的土地开发经验 城市规划 experience and is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners, the Ontario Professional Planners Institute and is a Registered Professional Planner. Scott is recognized by the Ontario Municipal Board (OPPI) as an expert in the area of land use planning. Areas of practice include: planning feasibility/due diligence studies, 社区设计愿景, 官方的计划, 官方计划修订, 区、二级计划, 阻止计划, 分拆图, 分区附例修订, 同意, 轻微的差异, 场地平面图及开放空间设计.

Scott is the principal client liaison and project manager for a full scale of land development projects and is ultimately accountable for achieving client performance expectations including schedule, 预算和产品交付. 他负责领导一个内部规划团队, 土木工程, landscape architecture and design professionals; as well as the management of interdisciplinary teams of sub-consultants including urban design, 建筑, 环境, 岩土工程, 水文地质, 运输, 基础设施和雨水管理顾问.


写的 斯科特·阿尔布克尔
